Thursday, 22 May 2008

The wonderful thing about bloggers.... normally that they!, rave, and generally add some form of text to their blog, that being the whole purpose of the thing! Well... that was also my intention until life got in the way. I have had a fantastic year as far as work is concerned, lots and lots of wedding bookings for both this year and 2009, plus lots of enquiries for 2010 - I still some dates left..don't panic if you are looking for a photographer!

Anyway, I am starting again with the blog thing - and this time I'm determined to add a little news, features and general info on a regular basis, I have decided that it would be wise to put a shortcut on my desk top to my blog. Icons on the desktop irritate me in general, it's like leaving cutlery on the work surface in the kitchen, or leaving the milk out of the fridge, so hope4fully the irritation factor will be a good memory jogger for me.

So, to friends, family and acquaintances who were told by me to drop by and check out the blog, it will now happen I promise... er.. ...hello... are you still there?

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