Had a wonderful morning at Normanton Town Hall yesterday with the town council staff and the Mayor and Mayoress of Normanton. A flag was raised at 10.30 as part of a national flag raising ceremony to celebrate Armed Forces Day. The event was well attended by local dignitaries, members of the armed forces, and reperesentatives from the Royal Legion.
The national flag was raised at the Historic Docklands in Kent at 10.30 this morning.
Had a brief but pleasant chat to Matthew, the newest photographer to work for the Wakefield Express, Matthew came over from the Yorkshire Post when a member of the Wakefield paper's staff retired.
I rushed back to the office to get the pictures on line for everyone to see then back to the studio for a model shoot at 1 p.m.. Unfortunately, the young lady didn't bother to turn up. Cconsidering that she was very eager to be a model, had never done it before (which was the whole reason for using her) and was about to get a hundred and fifty pounds worth of free images just for allowing me to use the images on my website, I really would have expected at the very least to get a text message or e-mail. But there we go, life goes on and I now have another model lined up and raring to go, only this time I know she will turn up.

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