Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Professional Associations - my opinion

Although I would be the first to admit that there is no pre-requisite for photographers to be qualified or to have membership of any organisations, it is at least reassuring to a wedding, portrait or other client that the person they are engaging is "as good as their word".
I worked as a photographer for many years without being qualified and, just as many other photographers who are working and unqualified today, my work was of an acceptable standard, my clients loved it and I thought (mistakenly, with hindsight) that professional photographic organisation qualifications through membership and submission were just an "elitist" club.
Not all photographers are equal and although price is probably a main issue for lots of people when deciding on who to book to take their wedding photographs.

I would urge anyone looking to hire a photographer for their wedding day to look at quality over quantity. Compare the quality of pictures and the content of the pictures, not the cover style and pages in albums and how many prints will fit in it; you can buy prints at Boots or Asda and albums from ebay; even professional quality albums are available online for sale, but it is the skill of the professional photographer that will capture your wedding day.

I have put a link below this post to the MPA, The Master Photographers Association, they only accept full time photographers who are insured and have passed their qualification panel.

That is my rant for the morning! Check out my facebook page : search for :
Sandra Ford Photography

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